Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Khartoum ha perso la calma

Per mesi non ho fatto che ripetere a tutti quanto Khartoum fosse sicura... ma visto quanto e' successo tre giorni dovrei ricredermi.
Ma io direi piuttosto che come accade a chiunque Khartoum ha perso la calma. Da un giorno all'altro1200 ribelli sono entrati nella capitale e ci sono stati degli scontri. Il bilancio? Ovviamente le parti non concordano, ma si stima circa 200 morti e 400 arresti.

Il coprifuoco regnava mentre ad Omdurman ci si scontrava. La citta' era deserta.. e anche ora negozi, ristoranti sono chiusi. Solo qualche sporadico negozio e' ora aperto.

Quando e' stato annunciato il coprifuoco c'e' stato un assalto ai negozi... tutti volevano fare provviste. I negozi si sono svuotati rapidamente e non era possibile neanche trovare delle bottiglie d'acqua.

Ora nessuno cammina per strada e gli stranieri sembrano momentaneamente spariti dalla citta', tutti rintanati nelle proprie case o in fila all'areoporto nella speranza di riuscire a comprare un biglietto per rientrare.

Adesso, a parte tanta polizia, le cose sembrano lentamente tornare alla normalita'. Gli uffici hanno riaperto e le scuole e le Universita' apriranno sabato.

Tutti si stanno lentamente svegliando da un incubo durato 3 giorni.

1 comment:

Demotix said...

Demotix- The Citizen Wire

Dear Sudan,

You're site is fantastic. We hope you might see a cross over with what we're launching!

Demotix is a website for user-generated news, and a citizen ‘wire’ service. Think of it like Flickr or YouTube, but only for original photo/video news. You tell us what is going on, we tell the worldwide web and the world’s mainstream media. As of now, www.demotix.com is live.

Why are we doing it?
We believe citizen journalism – well-managed – can be a tremendous force in political participation, civil society, and freedom of speech around the world. And we believe the media needs rescuing.

• Only four US newspapers have foreign news desks (the NY Times, LA Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal), and there are only 141 US foreign correspondents currently working today (in print and broadcast media)
• In the UK, a 2006 study of the broadsheets showed that more than 50% of the news was directly attributable to press releases
• The world’s media (over 90%) relies on the wire services – the Associated Press and Reuters – for their news. But some 80 countries, or 40% of the world’s nations, have no bureau from either agency.
The news is shrinking daily. We hope Demotix can plug that gap, and more.
We hope to be giving a megaphone to the man and woman in the street with a story to tell. We hope to be able to change the news map – bringing real, raw, original information from countries and about issues the mainstream media haven’t touched in years.

Eventually we hope that Demotix will be THE place where anyone in the world can go, in safety, to upload news – major, minor, local, cultural, political, social... We already have agreements with the Daily Telegraph, Newsweek, La Repubblica, Prospect and others – and will now supply them with a daily wire and picture feed of 'citizen' news. We have also built partnerships with Amnesty, Reporters Sans Frontieres, Witness and many others.

But we need your help. We want to do in pictures/video what you do for text. If you think there is a cross-over and you like us, please write about us, link to us, spread the news. We're nothing without contributors, and your readers are exactly whom we want to be reaching out to. We can get their news out to the world, and in the process change what news is reported. And we'll charge the mainstream media for anything they use, splitting the fees 50:50 with our contributors.

Please be in touch! Are there other ways we might collaborate?
With all thanks


Turi Munthe